Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Beer Olympics - 8/16/2008

Hey there, it's time for 2008's Beer Olympics!

The festivities will begin around 2:30PM on August 16th (8/13) at my house and then continue on through late that night. If you need directions let me know. We will have burgers & hot dogs on the grill, though if you want to bring something else to cook up that's cool too. Feel free to invite whomever, standard rules on shady characters apply (nothing better get stolen this year!)

Games to be played (but not limited to):
Polish Horseshoes
Hill-Billy Horseshoes (Shitball)
Bags (Cornhole)
Beer Die
Beer Pong
Tippy Cup
The Long Pour

Keg(s) will be available, $5/cup.
B.Y.O.L. (This is the BEER olympics!)

Hope to see you there!