Tuesday, October 9, 2007

RIAA - 1, Single Mother - 0

Well, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has successfully won in court against a single mother for file sharing. For those who don't know the RIAA is, they are comprised of many companies, the big four of which are EMI, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, & Warner Music Group. These companies hide behind the RIAA so they won't be associated with all the bad PR that surrounds suing their customers.

I personally have only bought a few CD's in the last 7-8 years (the few I have were after/before a concert, and I'm 98% certain unassociated with the RIAA). The companies in the RIAA have alienated me as a customer. I refuse to support them. I encourage as many other to quit supporting them as well.

Here are a few sites that I've found to be quite useful:


Full List of RIAA Members

Two major bands have shown they are fed up with the recording industry's antics. Trent Reznor , aka. Nine Inch Nails - has recently split from his contract with his label, probably because of all the bad press he's generated for them recently, they were probably glad to let him go..

Also Radiohead's latest album will be released tomorrow and they will allow the customer to set the price at what the customer thought the album is worth to download. They also will offer a boxed set for a set price, but the key here is they are doing it without the record companies.

These two examples are just the beginning of what I think will be a massive exodus of bands from being tied to the useless labels trying to promote them.

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