So I found out that one of the guys I work with today has an extra ticket to the USC game on Saturday. Guess who gets to go now?! That's right, me baby. It should be a great time of tailgating all day hopefully followed by a good football game. I'll most likely stay in Omaha Friday night since my friend Scott is supposed to be flying in rather late in the evening, then going to head up to Lincoln early the next day to start the party. Depending on inebriation levels I may be back in Omaha after the game, but I kinda doubt that's going to happen.

This past weekend was pretty fun, after a shaky start on Friday I got to spend the rest of the afternoon with my sister and her husband at the zoo. Sean watched the Husker game here with me and the roommates Saturday afternoon, then that night my brother and I took Cassie and Sean on a small tour of downtown Omaha since they had never been there. I think/hope they had a good time...
After a relatively uneventful Sunday it was back to the grind at work. Mondays and Wednesdays have became even more arduous as I have to get in an hour earlier than usual, work through lunch and then leave work early since I have class at 4PM. The class itself is pretty easy (Database Management, like I haven't been working with databases for over 3 years now every day or anything) but it's just getting back into the groove of the whole school thing after taking a break from classes for the summer. Anyways, I should really be getting to sleep, 6:45AM just comes too early these days..
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